

CHAUVET DJ’s Top 10 Blog Posts of 2014

Posted on December 18, 2014 by webmaster

Happy holidays from CHAUVET DJ!  As this year winds down we take a look back at the most popular blog posts from the CHAUVET DJ Blog throughout the year. A quick look at the list clearly shows what we’ve known for a long time – product is king! 8 of the top 10 posts are directly related to a specific product video or press release (as opposed to an installation story, DJ profile, Gig tips, etc.). We hope you all look forward to an amazing 2015 full of lots more exciting product info on our blog!

  1. The Funfetti Shot confetti cannon press release – Looks like all you DJs are looking to have a BLAST this holiday season making this informational post the number one post of the year! In fact, the Funfetti Shot was so popular it appears on our list twice – the product video post is below!
  2. The Gig Bar IRC Sneak Peek Video – DJs couldn’t wait to get a peek at this teaser video for this 6-in-1 wonder!
  3. The Motion Orb Product Video – Imaginations were running wild about this decor lighting fixture we set up in a cool lounge cube configuration making this post number 3 on our list!
  4. Funfetti Shot Product Video – The press release and photos just were’nt enough for you guys and when this product video was posted you shot it up to number 4 on our list!
  5. Halloween Products Post – This post titled “Add Some SPIRIT to Your Halloween Events” definitely scared up some pageviews!
  6. DJ Confessions: How I Got My DJ Name and How You Can Find Yours – As popular as our products are, sometimes popular posts don’t have anything to do with lighting. This 3-year old post still has you reading up on what to call yourselves.  Talk about a hot topic!
  7. The COLORband Pix Rocks EDM Festival in Aruba – Chauvet DJ lights in action are always popular items and killer fixtures, tropical paradise and killer EDM music propelled this story to the top 10.
  8. CHAUVET DJ Introduces the EZGobo – Our EZ line of wireless, battery-operated fixtures are revolutionizing how DJs set up and tear down their gear and when the product video for this gobo projector you can hold in your hand was posted, you were watching.
  9. The Amazing New Intimidator Wave IRC from CHAUVET DJ – Whenever a new Intimidator fixture is released, heads turn. I guess that makes us all “moving heads”!
  10. DJ Tutor Looks at the Intimidator Spot 100 IRC – Some of our most popular product posts don’t come from us but YOU! In this top 10 post, the ever popular DJ Tutor Johnathan Lewis looked at this compact moving head.