DJ Profile: Light & Sound

Posted on April 1, 2013 by webmaster

Light & Sound, aka Samuel McGee and Cameron Hall, is a DJ/VJ duo who live in Meridian, Miss. and perform at house parties and venues throughout Mississippi and Alabama. They specialize in Electronic House and Dubstep and describe their shows as, “an intense array of lights and lasers accompanied by some of the grimiest bass known to mankind.” Read on and get to know more about this dynamic duo.

1. How and when did you get started as a DJ/VJ?
We started out in February 2012 when Hall (who is now Sound) tried to DJ and VJ at the same time. I (McGee) noticed he was having some difficulty doing both at the same time, so I asked if he needed help and here we are six months later having the times of our lives.

2. Is this a full-time job or something you do on the side?

This is not a full time job for either of us at the moment — though we would like it to be one day. Hall works as a safety manager for H&M Construction and I’m an assistant manager at Chance and Dooleys.

3. What fixtures are included in your setup?
Our setup includes the following CHAUVET® DJ gear: one MotionFacade LED drape, one Scorpion Storm FXRG and one Scorpion GVC laser, one LED Shadow blacklight, one Derby X and two 4PLAY effect lights, two COLORpalette wash lights, two Intimidator Scan LED 200 scanners and an Obey 70 DMX controller. We are hoping to add more lights to our setup so our shows continually change and grow.

4. What is your favorite fixture and why?
I like them all so much, so it’s hard to pick a favorite. However, if I had to pick, it would be the Scorpion Storm FXRG. This laser is perfect for electronic music and it demands attention. The strobe effect accompanies some of the snarling sounds you hear in Dubstep perfectly. 4PLAY comes in at a close second. This fixture allows me to match the strobe effect with the BPM in the song.

5. Best advice you can give someone just getting started in the industry?
Read the lighting manuals and practice as often as possible. There are many ways to control the lights — you just have to figure out what works best for you. Also, if possible, go with LEDs over halogen bulbs. Even though they are a bit pricier, you will find yourself saving time and money in the long run.

6. What are your top three most requested songs?
“Cage the Rage” by Zomboy, “Firepower” by Datsik, and “Hello” by Porter Robinson.