One-on-One with Ford Sellers

Posted on September 21, 2012 by webmaster

Ford Sellers is the senior product manager at Chauvet and has been with the company for almost 2 ½ years. Read on and get to know a little bit about him.

1. Where are you from?
I’m originally from Syracuse, N.Y. (Go ORANGE!), but I also lived 7 ½ years in Las Vegas, and another 10 in Ithaca, N.Y.

2. Why Chauvet?

I come from a production and theatre background.  My main interest in coming to Chauvet is because I wanted to help create the tools that people who geek out about lighting (like me) get to use.  There are a ton of lighting companies, but Chauvet is uniquely positioned with a strong DJ foundation and right technological and market foundation to really make a difference in the professional and touring markets.

3. Where did you work prior to joining Chauvet team?

I was the master electrician for Cornell University’s School of Theatre, Film and Dance.  I taught classes in lighting technology, trained student electricians for an 11-show season and designed a couple of shows throughout the year.

4. Favorite food?

I especially dig Mediterranean food.

5. Favorite type of music?

Completely depends on my mood. Today it’s funk, sometimes its alternative rock and occasionally I listen to trance.

6. Favorite thing to do outside of work?

Sail with my family.

7. What is one thing about you that people would be surprised to learn?

My wife and I were national champions in 2008-2009 for the Beneteau First 235 sailboat class.

8. A show without lights is like…

A show without lights is like Jell-O without the jiggle.