Amazing Prom from JLK Events and CHAUVET DJ

Posted on March 27, 2015 by webmaster

Jamie Bodie of JLK Events sends us this great gig log of a recent prom his company provided the lighting and music for in Hilton Head, South Carolina. And CHAUVET DJ fixtures were the tools he chose to create these incredible looks! Check out the BEFORE video! Now check out the INCREDIBLE AFTER video! Here are […]

Invest in Yourself! Learning Opportunities for Mobile Entertainers!

Posted on August 6, 2014 by webmaster

As big DJ trade shows approach, it reminds us of just how important education is to our entertainment careers. In this brief video, CHAUVET DJ‘s Geoff Short reminds us to invest in ourselves and our careers and lets us know about a few great upcoming educational opportunities. DJ Expo – August 11-14, 2014: Creative […]

Jamie Bodie is "In the Glo"!

Posted on April 18, 2014 by webmaster

Jamie Bodie of JLK Events is simply glowing over the new TRUSST Glo Totems! He just got his delivered and here’s what he found: