
CHAUVET DJ BLOG Decor Lighting

DJ Brent is Crazy for Motion Orbs!

Posted on May 20, 2015 by webmaster

DJ Brent of Cleveland Music Group in Cleveland, Ohio gives us a good long look at the Motion Orbs from CHAUVET DJ. Check out this video as Brent walks us through the features of these decor fixtures and some of the ways he’s used them on gigs!

MotionOrb by CHAUVET DJ

Posted on December 8, 2014 by webmaster

The Motion Orb is a fantastic new décor light made up of 55 individual color-changing and strobing LED orbs in strings that can be hung like a curtain, drawn to one side, or draped across the ceiling. The Motion Orb comes standard in a 2-meter length, but it can be expanded to 4 meters long […]