Chauvet Lights the Way On American Ninja Warrior

June 2013

MIAMI, Fla. — Nearly 500 Chauvet fixtures brighten up the elaborate obstacle course for G4TV’s and NBC’s “American Ninja Warrior” sports entertainment competition now shooting for its fifth season. A recent regional qualifying round was recently filmed in Miami, while the National Finals are set for Las Vegas this summer. Lighting Director Ed Motts and Lighting Designer Adam Biggs used 474 Chauvet fixtures to light the obstacle course, which is a study of truss sculptures set among an arduous course of ramps, platforms, beams and more, all atop pools of water supporting the competition’s one rule: “don’t get wet.”

Fifty SlimPAR Pro Tri and 300 COLORdash Par-Quad 7 wash lights serve as truss toner throughout the course, while 62 Nexus 4×4 fixtures spice up the set with blinding and pixel-mapping effects placed high on truss. Sixty-two COLORado 1-Quad Tour wash lights highlight the “American Ninja Warrior” banners and the audience. All of the Chauvet fixtures are provided by Aspect Lighting company of Los Angeles.

Gear list:
300 x COLORdash Par-Quad 7
62 x COLORado 1-Quad Tour
62 x Nexus 4×4
50 x SlimPAR Pro Tri